Англиискии язык - Супертренажер - 2016
Дифтонги - ПРАКТИКУМ
Упражнение 148 [aι]
Bible, bide, bike, bile, bite, chime, chine, cipher, clime, cline, compile, concise, confine, devise, dice, die, diet, dike, dime, dive, divide, file.
Упражнение 149 [aι]
Fine, finely, Friday, gibe, glide, glider, gripe, guide, ice, icicle, icon, ideal, idea, incise, invite, jive, jibe, kite, knife, knives, lie, lice, life, lives, like, lime, line, microbe, mile, mime, mine, nice, nine, pie, pile, pine, polite, pride, prime, prize, provide, quite, rice, ride, rider, riding.
Упражнение 150 [aι]
Rife, rime, ripe, rise, riser, rive, shine, shrine, side, sine, site, size, slice, slide, slime, smile, smite, snide, snipe, spice, spider, spike, spine, spite, splice.
Упражнение 151 [aι]
Stile, stride, strife, strike, striker, stripe, strive, swine, swipe, thine, thrice, thrive, tide, tie, tiger, tike, tile, time, timer, tiny, tithe, title, tribe, trice, vice, vie, vile, vine, viper, vise, while, white, whine, wine, wipe, wise, write, writhe.
! Буквосочетание -ind- читается [aιnd].
Упражнение 152 [aι]
Bind, binder, blind, blinder, climb, find, grind, kind, kindly, mind, mild, wild.
! Буквосочетание -igh- читается [aι].
Упражнение 153 [aι]
Bright, brighten, fight, flight, high, knight, light, lighten, lightning, might, nigh, night, plight, right, sigh, sight, slight, thigh, tight, tighten, wright, wight.
Упражнение 154 [aι]
Cycle, cyclone, fly, hydra, hyphen, my, nylon, ply, psycho, shy, sky, style, stylish, stylist, try, dye, tyke, type, why.
Упражнение 155 [aι]
Eiderdown, either, eisteddfod, gneiss, height, heighten, meiosis, neither, pleistocene, seismic, seismograph, stein, steinbok.
Читаем диалог!
- ... er... Hi! ... Are you all right? ... er ...
Would you like a ride in my cart?
- No, thanks. I’m fine. I’m just flying my
kite and enjoying the sunshine.
- Oh ... er ... alright! Have a nice time!
Упражнение 156 [eι]
Ace, age, amaze, babe, baby, bale, base, bathe, blade, blame, blaze, brace, brake, brave, brazen, cable, cage, cake, crake, crane, daze, erade, fable, face, fake, fame, famous, favour, faze.
Упражнение 157 [eι]
Flame, frame, game, gape, glade, glaze, grace, grade, graze, hate, impale, inflate, inhale, jade, kale, knave, label, labour, lace, lacy, ladle, lady, laze, lazy, mace, made, make, male, mane, maze.
Упражнение 158 [eι]
Name, nape, nation, native, navy, pace, page, pale, pane, paper, paste, pastry, pasty, pate, phase, phrase, phrasal, place, plane, prate, race, racy, radial, radar, radio, radius, rake, sable, sacred, safe, sage, sake.
Упражнение 159 [eι]
Sale, shade, shady, shake, shale, shame, shape, slake, slate, snake, space, spade, spake, stable, stage, stake, stale, state, table, take, tale, tame, tape, thane, trace, trade, vacant, vague, vale, vane, wade, wafer, wage, wake, waste, whale.
Упражнение 160 [eι]
Aid, aide, ail, aileron, ailment, aim, aitch, bail, bailey, bait, baize, braid, braille, brain, braise, caiman, claim, contain, container, daily, daisy, drain, fail, failing, failure, fain, faint, faith.
Упражнение 161 [eι]
Flail, frail, gain, gait, gaiter, grail, grain, hail, kail, laid, lain, maid, maiden, mail, mailbox, mailbag, main, maintain, maize, nail, pain, paid, pail, paint, painter, plain, plaint, plaintive.
Упражнение 162 [eι]
Praise, quail, quaint, raid, rail, raillery, rain, rainbow, raindrop, rainy, raise, raisin, sail, sailor, saint, slain, snail, staid, stain, stained, straight, strain, strait, tail, tailor, taint, train, training, waif, wail, wain, wait, waist, waiter, wraith.
Упражнение 163 [eι]
Bay, bayonet, bayou, bray, cayman, cayenne, clay, caymore, crayfish, crayon, day, flay, fray, gay, hay, jay, lay, layer, layette, layman, may, May, maybe, mayhem, mayonnaise, nay, pay, payable, payola, payroll, play, pray, prayer, ray, rayon, say, shay, slay, splay, spray, sprayer, stay, stray, way.
Упражнение 164 [eι]
Beige, eight, eighty, feign, feint, freight, geisha, heinous, lei, neigh, neighbour, obeisance, reign, rein, seine, sheikh, sleigh, stein, veil, vein, weigh, weight.
Упражнение 165 [eι]
Bey, grey, greyhound, key, obey, they.
Читаем диалог!
- I’m afraid I’ve made a mistake on this form. Is your name spelt J-A-C-K?
- No. It’s J-A-H-K. And here’s another mistake. My occupation. I’m not a wine taster. I’m a food tester.
Упражнение 166
Avoid, boil, boisterous, broil, choice, cloister, coif, coil, coin, coinage, coir, devoid, doily, embroider, embroil, foible, foil, foist, goitre, groin, hoist, join, joiner, joinery, joint, joist, loin, loins.
Упражнение 167
Moiety, moist, moisten, moisture, noise, noisome, noisy, oil, oiled, oilman, oilrig, oilskin, oily, oink, ointment, poignancy, poignant, poinsettia, point, pointer, pointless, pointsman, poise, poison.
Упражнение 168
Quoit, quoits, repoint, roisterer, soil, spoil, spoilage, spoils, spoilsport, toil, toilet, toiletries, toiletry, toils, voice, voiceless, void, voile.
Упражнение 169
Annoy, annoyance, boy, cloy, coy, coyote, coypu, doyley, employ, employment, foyer, groyne, hoyden, joy, joyless, joyous, joyride, joystick, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, oyster, royal, royalist, royalty, soy, toy, toyshop, troy, voyage, voyager.
Читаем диалог!
- I put all this oil in the rice?
- Yes, all the oil, and then let it boil.
Упражнение 170
Ago, abode, Afro, alone, ammonia, appro, awoke, bloke, bone, broque, broke, broker, choke, chose, chrome, close, clothe, code, cola, coma, cone, cope, cove, crone, debone, devote, dispose, doe, doge, dole, dome, donor, dope, dose, doze, drogue, drone.
Упражнение 171
Echo, erode, floe, focal, focus, foe, folio, global, globe, glucose, go, goer, going, grocer, grope, grove, ho, hoe, hole, holy, home, homey, hope, impose, imposing, joke, joker, lobe, local, locus, lode, lone, lonely, loner.
Упражнение 172
Modal, mode, mole, moleskin, moment, mosey, motion, motive, motor, no, noble, nobly, node, open, over, overtone, poke, pone, pope, pose, pro, probe, programme, progress, prole, prolix, prologue, propose, provoke, quote, quota, quoth, quotient.
Упражнение 173
Recto, remote, repose, revoke, robe, roe, rogue, roguery, roguish, role, romance, rope, rose, rota, rotary, rote, rotor, rove, scone, scope, sloe, slope, smoke, smoky, so, sober, social, soda.
Упражнение 174
Sodium, sofa, sole, solely, solo, stoke, stole, stone, strobe, strode, stroke, thole, toe, token, tote, totem, trope, vocal, vogue, vole, vote, whole, wholesale, wilco, woe, woeful, woke, yoke, yokel, yoga, yokel.
Упражнение 175
Arrow, blow, blowhard, bow, bowl, bowling, crow, elbow, flow, flown, follow, glow, grow, grower, growth, hollow, ingrown, know, knowledge, low, lower, lowly, mow, mower.
Упражнение 176
Own, row, rowan, rower, rowing, shadow, show, slow, snow, snowball, snowdrift, snowflake, snowy, sow, stow, throw, tow.
Упражнение 177
Approach, afloat, bloater, boast, boaster, boastful, boat, boatman, cloak, coach, coal, coast, coaster, coat, encroach, float, floating, foal, foam, gloat, goal, goat, groan, groat, hoax, load, loaf, loaves, m, loan, loath, loathe, loathsome.
Упражнение 178
Moan, moat, moated, oath, oatmeal, oats, refloat, reproach, road, roadster, roadway, roam, roan, roast, roaster, shoal, soak, soap, stoat, toast.
Упражнение 179
Dough, mould, moulder, moulding, moult, ought, poultice, poultry, remould, shoulder, smoulder, soul, soulful, soulless, though.
Упражнение 180
Bolt, colt, dolt, jolt, revolt, volt, cold, enfold, fold, gold, golden, hold, old, scold, told, roll, toll, stroll, scroll, folk, comb, ghost, ghostly, host, holster, most, post, wont, swollen.
Читаем диалог!
- Are you going to go to the boat show?
- Mmm ... don’t know ... Maybe I’ll go with Bert.
- Does Bert have a boat?
- No.
- Oh.
Упражнение 181
Around, astound, background, blouse, bound, bounce, boundary, bountiful, bounty, bout, cloud, cloudy, clout, couch, council, counsel, count, countable, counter, countess, crouch, denounce, doubt, expound, flounce, flounder, flout.
Упражнение 182
Foul, found, foundation, founder, foundry, fountain, Gouda, gouge, ground, grouch, grounds, groundwork, grouse, house, hound, household, housing, impound, knout, loud, loudmouth, lounge, lounger, louse, lousy, lout, mount, mound.
Упражнение 183
Mountain, mountaintop, mouse, mouser, mousetrap, mouth, mouthful, noun, out, pouch, pounce, pound, pounding, proud, round, rouse, rout, scoundrel, scour, scout, scrounge, shout, shouting, sound, sounding, sour, south, spouse, spout, sprout, thou, thousand, tousle, tout, trounce, trousers, trout, voucher, vouch, wound.
Упражнение 184
Bough, doughty, plough.
Упражнение 185
Bow, brow, brown, brownie, browse, chow, chowder, clown, clownish, cow, coward, cowardice, cowbell, cowboy, cower, cowherd, cowl, cowling, crowd, crown, dowdy, dowel, down, downy, dowry, dowse, flower, flowerbed, flowering, flowerpot, flowery.
Упражнение 186
Fowl, fowling, frown, frowst, frowsty, frowzy, glower, growl, how, howdah, howdy, however, howitzer, howl, howler, jowl, now, owl, powder, powdery, power, powerful, powerless, powers, rowel, rower, scow, scowl, shower, towel, tower, town, township, trowel, vow, vowel, wow, yowl.
Читаем диалог!
- How’s your cow?
- Better now I’m taking it to Roy Coyne. It’s running around town using less oil.
- I didn’t ask about your car! I said how’s your cow? You know, your brown cow!
Упражнение 187 [ιə]
Appear, appearance, beard, besmear, bleary, clear, dear, dearly, deary, drear, dreary, ear, earache, eardrum, eard, earlabe, earmark, earmuff, earphone, earpiece, earplug, fear, fearful, fearless, fearsome, gear, hear, hearer, hearing, near, nearby, rear, sear, shear, shears, smear, spear, tear, tearful, teargas, weary, year, yearbook, yearling, yearlong, yearly.
Упражнение 188 [ιə]
Cereal, clerestory, here, hereby, hereto, interfere, interference, mere, reredos, sere.
Упражнение 189 [ιə]
Cheer, deer, eerie, jeer, leer, meerschaum, engineer, engineering, musketeer, peer, peerage, peeress, peerless, queer, scrutineer, seer, seersucker, sheer, sneer, steer, steerage, veer, veneer, volanteer.
Читаем диалог!
- There’s a bee in your beer.
- I can’ hear.
- I said here’s to you, my dear.
- Cheers, dear! I’ve been hearing that joke about a bee in my beer for nearly sixty-three years.
Упражнение 190
Courgette, dour, gourd, gourmand, gourmet, houri, tour, tourism, tourist, tournament, tourney, tourniquet.
Упражнение 191
Adjure, cure, demure, durex, endure, ensure, epicure, impure, insure, insured, insurer, lure, manure, obscure, ordure, pure, secure, sure, surely, surefire.
Упражнение 192
Curia, curio, curiosity, curious, during, furious, furiously, incurious, jurist, lurid, purify, purity, puritan, security.
Упражнение 193 [еə]
Area, aware, bare, barefoot, barely, beware, blare, care, dare, fare, flare, glare, hare, mare, pare, rare, rarebit, rarefied, rarefy, rarely, share, sharecropper, shareholder, shares, snare, spare, square, stare, tare, warehouse, tinware, ironware, kitchenware, wares.
Упражнение 194 [еə]
Ere, there, thereabouts, thereafter, thereby, therefore, therein, thereof, thereon, thereto, thereupon, werewolf, where, whereabouts, whereas, whereat, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereof, whereon, wheresoever, whereto, whereupon, wherever.
Упражнение 195 [еə]
Affair, air, aircraft, airdrop, airfield, airing, baim, chair, cairn, chairman, chairvoyant, dairy, dairymaid, dispair, dispairing, fair, flair, hair, lair, laird, pair, prairie, stair, staircase, stairs, stairwell.