Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год



What is the most common first name in the world?

b) Mohammed

Exercise 1. Tongue twisters to be remembered.

Предложите студентам прослушать два раза запись скороговорок, затем дважды произнесите их вместе с диктором и, наконец, произнесите их самостоятельно хором.

(2) On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser - На ленивом лазерном подъёмнике лежала стиралка для лазерного луча.

erase - удалять, стирать

eraser - ластик, стиралка, “удалялка”

laser ray - лазерный луч

Exercise 2 & 3. Translate the proverbs and sayings; comment upon them. Work in groups:

Попросите студентов перевести пословицы на русский язык и подобрать эквивалентные пословицы в русской культуре. Затем распределите студентов по мини-группам для обсуждения смысла этих пословиц (каждая группа студентов получает свою пословицу). Ориентируйте студентов на то, что они должны не только объяснить свое понимание пословицы, но и привести конкретные примеры, основываясь на собственном опыте или опыте своих близких.

1. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. - Один утренний час лучше двух вечерних. Утро вечера мудренее.

2. Hunger breaks stone walls. - Голод ломает и каменные стены; нужда всему научит.

3. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. - Где есть желание, там есть и путь (т.е. средство). Где хотенье, там и уменье.

4. A good name is better than riches. - Добрая слава лучше богатства.

5. People who live in glass houses should never throw stones. - Люди, которые живут в стеклянных домах, не должны кидать камни. (Не руби сук, на котором сидишь).

Exercise 4. Listen to the conversations. Write the numbers you hear.

1. ‘When are you going away on holiday?’

‘On the fifteenth.’

‘And when do you get back?’

‘On the twenty-fourth. I’ll give you a ring when we get home.’

2. And now the business news. The unemployment rate has risen slightly this month. The national unemployment rate is now 4,2%, and in our area, an estimated 15,000 people are out of work.

3. ‘Thank you for calling the Blackpool Concert Hall. This is Matt speaking. How can I help you?’

‘Oh. Hi. Erm - do you still have seats for tonight’s concert?’

‘Yes, we do.’

‘Great. I’d like two tickets, please. Can I reserve them by phone?’

‘Yes, that’s fine. Erm - tickets are £35 each. Could I have your name please?’

Yes, Sarah Dawson.’


‘Can I pay by visa?’

‘Yes that’s fine. Erm - what’s your card number please?

It’s 4929...7983...0621...8849.’

Let me read that back. 4929.7983.0621.8849.’

‘That’s right.’

4. ‘Hey, I really like your shoes! Where d’you buy them?’

‘At that new shop in the town.’

‘Oh yeah?Next to the post office.’


‘How much were they, if you don’t mind me asking?’

£39.99 in the sale. Everything’s half price you know, so they were reduced from £79.99.’

‘What a bargain!’

5. ‘Hello?’

‘Hi Jim. How’re things?’

‘Fine. Listen - we’re having a party this Saturday, and we were wondering if you’d like to come. It’s our tenth wedding anniversary. ’

‘Congratulations. When is it?’

‘It starts at seven o’clock.’

‘Saturday at seven? Sounds good.’


Exercise 5. Number these reasons why people enter universities in their order of importance from 1 (most important reason) to 12 (least important reason). Explain your choice.

Для выполнения этого упражнения рекомендуется распределить студентов по минигруппам. Попросите их ранжировать причины поступления людей в университет по важности, а затем объяснить свою точку зрения. Получившиеся результаты можно обсудить в общей группе студентов.

Exercise 7. Read the text more carefully and answer the questions.

1. What is the most common name of our University? - Siberian Transport University

2. What is its current official name? - Siberian State University of Railways

3. When was it established? - in 1932 and named Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers

4. What programmes does it provide? - The Siberian Transport University provides Railway Construction, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Economics, Information Technology, Railway Transportation Management, International Business, Law, Human Resources Management and other programmes. Special attention is given to the training of technical engineering personnel in most important branches of modern transport and construction.

5. What are the basic engineering sciences? - The basic engineering sciences are: mechanics of solids and fluids, electrical science, thermodynamics, mechanics, material science, information transmission, logic and computing devices, systems analysis.

6. What are types of academic activity? - formal lectures, reinforced by tutorials, laboratory classes and projects, practical design and computing work, self-study

7. Students are required to undertake self-study, aren’t they? - Yes, they are.

8. What are the faculties of the University? - Railway Transportation Management Faculty, Railway Construction Faculty, Management of Transport and Technological Complexes, Civil Engineering Faculty, Bridges and Transport Tunnels Faculty, Engineering Economics Faculty, International Business and Law Faculty, Human Resources Management Faculty, Information Technologies in Business Faculty, Correspondence Learning Faculty

9. What faculty do you study at? – Свободный ответ

10. What is the name of your programme? - Свободный ответ

11. Where do students carry out their research? - In well-equipped laboratories and research centers students carry out their research under the guidance of Professors. Fundamental and applied research at the university is carried out in the research laboratories and centers.

12. What can you say about university library? - нет информации. Факты о библиотеке можно найти в упражнении 11: Scientific Technical library was founded in 1932 and supporting educational, scientific and cultural work if students and employees of Siberian Transport University. The total book fund is over 1,045,000 items, including scientific literature- and educational literature- 338,000 items.The library funds are universal. The library stores more than 4,000 rare and valuable copies, unique sets of magazines dating back to the 18th-19th centuries.

Exercise 8. Ask your groupmate.

Для выполнения этого упражнения организуйте студентов в пары. Прежде чем приступить к работе, спросите студентов, как переводятся следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык:

поступать в университет - to enter the university

курс (год обучения в вузе) - year of study (студент первого [второго и т.д.] курса - first-year [second-year, etc] student он на третьем курсе - he is in his third year перейти на четвёртый курс - enter the fourth year)

факультет - faculty

общежитие - hostel (брит.); dormitory (амер.)

корпус университета - academic building (academic block) (главный корпус - main academic block, лабораторный корпус - laboratory block, учебные мастерские - training workshops, институтповышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров - Institute of Prospective Transport Technologies and Staff Retraining)

филиал - branch

дневное / вечернее / заочное обучение - full-timestudy / part-time study / correspondence study платное обучение / бюджет / целевое обучение - fee-paying education / state-financed education / employer-sponsored education

бакалавриат / магистратура / аспирантура / специалитет - Bachelor’s Programme / Master’s Programme / Post-graduate Programme / Specialist’s Programme

Exercise 11. Look through the facts concerning Siberian Transport University and Sheffield University then discuss in pairs the two universities.

Это упражнение можно выполнять после упражнений 7 и 8. Попросите студентов сравнить два университета, используя степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

Exercise 12. Before you listen to the student speaking about student’s life use the words and phrases in the table to complete the sentences below. Translate these sentences into Russian.

1.-e; 2- j; 3.-d; 4.-b; 5.-a; 6.-i; 7.-h; 8-k; 9.-c; 10.-g; 11.-f

Exercise 13. Put the experiences and tips about student money in the order you hear them.

2.; 3.; 7.; 4.; 1.; 5.; 6.; 8

Exercise 14. Decide if these sentences are true or false.

1. T

2. F.

3. T

4. F

5. T

Transcript Part II. Unit 3

Hello and welcome to Trend UK, your shortcut to popular culture from the British Council. In the next few minutes we’re going to be talking about mates and money. Moving away from home to go to university can be a stressful time. First, there are all the social pressures that can be encountered. And then there’s the strain on your pocket, what with living expenses, books and going out with your friends. And on top of all that, you’ve got to study as well. So, is there a way to be careful with your money and have a good and productive time? Our reporter Mark went to meet the students at a large UK university to find out. Looking around the Student Union at this university, everyone seems to be having a good time but the reality is that students are often on a tight budget and going out with your friends for a meal or a drink is often something that has to be thought about quite carefully. I’ve assembled a group of typical students here who are going to tell us what it’s like to have so many social opportunities and yet be on a budget. And hopefully they can give us the tips for having the best and cheapest of times.

How do you find the cost of living here?

Very expensive.

Everything including clothing accommodation, travelling, everything is expensive here.

In terms of: housing...transport especially.

So what do you think you spend most on?

Transport I think. Yeah, food if you eat at home, it’s very cheap. The train. In a week was spending more than one hundred pounds.

And how do you afford clothing? I mean ‘trendy’ isn’t cheap.

I’m from China, and actually in my place there’s also nice clothes there, so I normally bring my clothes here! He he-he.

So you don’t shop here? You shop at home.

Yeah all that from home. Except jackets, I love jackets so I make sure if there’s any sale going around, especially Boxing Day I go and loot the shopping centre and buy all the stuff and get cheap prices.

And what’s the social side like?

I love it because has so many cultures, I was so shocked actually it took me quite some time. Because it’s Chinese, Japanese, African people. I like that, to me it’s very interesting.

I like to go for movies with my friends once a month like that, and also for dinner.

I’m a very social person, I love socialising with people and meeting new people and I love partying. Thankfully I don’t drink and I don’t smoke so only expenses like, you know, maybe entry fee to the disco clubs and something like that.

And do you have any money saving tips for other people who might want to come and work or study here in the UK?

You just have to watch anything you buy, just don’t impulse buy things.

If you rent a house, with your friends then it will be cheaper.

I teach a lot, I teach piano and the violin, so that covers a little bit of what I want to spend on clothes and stuff and extras yeah.

I bought DVD player can watch all the movies at home ha-ha! So I can entertain myself at home. Cheaper ha-ha.

Don’t drink too much ha-ha.

Well, plenty of good advice here from the students. Thanks to all of you for coming along.

Our reporter Mark with the students there. And that’s it for this time.

Please remember that the opinions expressed in Trend UK are those of the individuals concerned, and not necessarily the views of the British Council. Don’t forget, you can find out about studying in the UK by checking our website, that’s www.britishcouncil [all one word] .org. Just follow the links under ‘Learning’. And while you’re on the website you can also update your English by checking out the words and phrases in the Trend UK online glossary. And tell us what you think by sending us a comment or voting in the online poll. But for now, from me and all the Trend UK Team, bye bye.

Exercise 15. Discuss the following questions in small groups and give the opinion of your group to other students:

Для выполнения этого упражнения организуйте студентов в мини-группы по 3-4 человека.

Дополнительные задания см. в приложении 6.

Key words

Перед тестированием студентов с использованием Progress Test 2 рекомендуется провести опрос по следующим ключевым словам:

1. admit


2. admission


3. afford

прилагать усилия

4. applicant


5. application


6. assess


7. bachelor’s degree

степень бакалавра

8. carryout research

проводить исследования

9. compulsory subjects

обязательные предметы

10. correspondence course

заочное обучение (курс)

11. cost of living

стоимость проживания

12. counterpart

коллега, человек, находящийся на аналогичной должности или выполняющий сходную работу

13. course transcript

приложение к диплому (академическая справка)

14. credit

кредит (зачет)

15. curriculum (pl. curricula)

учебный план

16. degree


17. dismiss from

исключить из

18. earn credits

получать зачеты

19. eliminate


20. encounter

сталкиваться с трудностями

21. enrollment

набор студентов

22. entrance requirements

вступительные требования

23. equal in time

равный по времени

24. ETCS

европейская система кредитов

25. extraremedial tutorials

дополнительные занятия

26. extracurricular activities

внеаудиторная деятельность

27. full-time student

студент очного обучения

28. graduate school / higher-educational institution / postsecondary institution

высшее учебное заведение

29. graduate student

выпускник университета

30. interdisciplinary research

междисциплинарные исследования

31. lectures reinforced by tutorials

лекции, сопровождаемые семинарами

32. major

профилирующий курс (предмет)

33. mark / grade


34. master’s degree

степень магистра

35. minor

непрофилирующий курс (предмет)

36. obtain knowledge

получать знания

37. optional subjects

необязательные предметы (факультативы, дисциплины по выбору)

38. part-time student


39. peer

равный (по положению, способностям)

40. personal counseling

индивидуальные консультации

41. PhD = Doctor of Philosophy

высшая ученая степень в некоторых странах

42. postgraduate students

аспирант (магистрант)

43. postgraduate studies / course

последипломное обучение /курс (магистратура, аспирантура)

44. professional school

профессиональная школа (магистратура в составе университета, колледжа для подготовки специалиста юриста, врача и т.п.)

45. professional skills

профессиональные навыки

46. recruit students

набирать студентов

47. standing

репутация, положение

48. students dormitory (hostel)

студенческое общежитие

49. supervision


50. tight budget

скудный бюджет

51. tuition

плата за обучение

52. tutorial

консультация с руководителем

53. under the guidance of

под руководством

54. undergraduate


55. university or college campus

студенческий городок

Bridges and Transport Tunnels Faculty

Факультет “Мосты и тоннели”

Civil Engineering Faculty

Факультет “Промышленное и гражданское строительство”

Engineering Economics Faculty

Факультет “Инженерно-экономический”

Human Resources Management Faculty

Факультет “Управление персоналом”

Information Technology in Business Faculty

Факультет “Бизнес-информатика”

International Business and Law Faculty

Факультет “Мировая экономика и право”

Management of Transport and Technological

Факультет “Управление транспортно-

Complexes Faculty (Building and Road

технологическими комплексами”

Machines Faculty)

“Строительные и дорожные машины”

Railway Construction Faculty

Факультет “Строительство железных дорог”

Railway Transportation Management Faculty

Факультет “Управление процессами перевозок”


Audio script to Progress Test 2 (elementary & intermediate levels)

Studying Abroad (in the United Kingdom)


I’m from China and I’ve been studying in Bristol for 4 years. I’ve just finished my MA degree. When I first arrived in the UK I found it very difficult as I didn’t know anybody here, but I soon met other Chinese people studying at the university, and as my English improved I made friends with more people on my course.

Studying in the UK has been a very positive experience for me. I’ve met a lot of interesting people and traveled around Europe in the holidays. For me the most difficult aspect was having the confidence to take part in tutorials, and when I was told I would have to give a presentation to the rest of the class, I was very nervous. My tutor helped me a lot, however, and said that for someone using their second language I did very well.


I won a scholarship to do an MSc in Telecommunications at Manchester University. The course was excellent and enabled me to get a good job when I finished. Now I’m thinking of doing a PhD before I return to India.

I enjoyed the way the course was taught. We were encouraged to think for ourselves rather than read piles of textbooks. It’s a different approach to the way I’d studied before, and one that I would recommend. I would also recommend living in student accommodation - it’s the cheapest option and although the rooms are small they have everything you need, and you get to know other people very easily. For me, the only problem was that the social life centres around alcohol, and I don’t drink.



Task 1. Listen to 2 students talking about studying in the United Kingdom and choose the answer.- Score - 6

1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-a, 6-b


Task 2. Match the words with their translations. - Score - 8

1-d, 2-f, 3-e, 4-a, 5-g, 6-b, 7-h, 8-c

Task 3. Match the definition with the term. - Score - 10

1-h, 2-j, 3-f, 4-g, 5-I, 6-b, 7-a, 8-d, 9-c


Task 4. Use prompts to make past sentences as in example. - Score - 5

1. They saw a film last night

2. I did my homework

3. We gave him an answer

4. Sue walked to school yesterday

5. The teacher was late

Task 5. Use the prompts to write past simple questions as in example. - Score - 5

1. Did they play tennis?

2. Did your teacher give you a test?

3. Did they win the game?

4. Did you study for the exam?

5. Did he read this book?


Task 6. Fill in the gaps in the text with the given words. There are some extra words! - Score - 5

1. c education

2. i course

3. e dormitory

4. g tests

5. a fail

Task 7. Decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). - Score - 5

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T



Task 1. Listen to 2 students talking about studying in the United Kingdom and decide if the following statements are True or False. - Score - 6

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F


Task 2. Match the words with their translations. - Score - 8

1. d

2. f

3. e

4. a

5. g

6. b

7. h

8. c

Task 3. Match the definition with the term. - Score - 10

1. h

2. j

3. f

4. g

6. i

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. c

Task 4. Choose antonyms to the given expressions - Score - 5

1. c

2. a

3. d

4. b


Task 5. Choose the correct tense (the present perfect or the past simple). - Score - 9

1) haven’t written

2) have been busy

3) applied

4) have always wanted

5) accepted

6) thought

7) decided

8) have made

9) have never lived


Task 6. Read the text and choose the best answer. - Score - 5

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. c

Task 7. Read the text again and find a word or expression which means. - Score - 5

1. put up with

2. tomboy

3. put me in touch with

4. aim for the top

5. I am eternally grateful to him

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