Lesson 38 - Speaking about a new friend

Английский язык - Все домашние работы к учебнику М. 3. Биболетовой

Lesson 38 - Speaking about a new friend

• 2. Выбери и скажи, что бы тебе хотелось больше всего.

I would like to meet Tiny.

I would like to visit Great Britain.

I would like to play computer games.

I would like to speak English well.

I would like to dance with my teacher.

I would like to go to the birthday party.

I would like to have breakfast with Tiny.

I would like to get a letter.

3. Мисс Чэттер принесла на урок волшебную палочку. Воспользуйся ею. Предложи своим одноклассникам выполнить их заветные желания.

Would you like to meet Tiny? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to visit Great Britain? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to play computer games? — Yes, I’d like to./ No, I would not like to.

Would you like to speak English well? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to dance with your teacher? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to go to the birthday party? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to have breakfast with Tiny? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

Would you like to get a letter? — Yes, I’d like to./No, I would not like to.

4. Прочитай письмо. Скажи, кому оно адресовано и от кого оно.

Дорогая мисс Чэттер,

Спасибо за ваше письмо. Я бы хотела увидеть вас и ваших учеников. Не желаете ли навестить нас? У моего сына Джима день рождения 10 февраля.

Пожалуйста, приезжайте нас навестить.

С наилучшими пожеланиями,

мама Джима.

Письмо адресовано мисс Чэттер. Оно от мамы Джима.

5. Продолжи считать по-английски.

1) twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth;

2) thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth.

7. Скажи, в каком месяце у тебя день рождения.

Му birthday is oh the first of September. — Мой день рождения первого сентября.

Рабочая тетрадь

1. Какое слово лишнее?

1) second;

2) think;

3) June.

2. Напиши пять желаний, которые ты хотел бы загадать в новогоднюю ночь.

1) I would like to meet Tiny.

2) I would like to visit Great Britain.

3) I would like to play computer games.

4) I would like to speak English well.

5) I would like to go to the birthday party.

6) I would like to get a letter.

3. Вставь необходимые числительные.

1) May is the fifth month of the year.

2) July is the seventh month of the year.

3) August is the eighth month of the year.

4) October is the tenth month of the year.

5) December is the twelfth month of the year.

4. Заполни таблицу.



(the) first



(the) ninth



(the) thirteenth



(the) fifteenth



(the) eighteenth



(the) twentieth



(the) twenty-ninth

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